Karin Seidner
The feminist author, performing artist and psychotherapist Karin Seidner is interested in gender and the construction and deconstruction of gender roles. She has a close look on social norms and social power relations in theory and practice. She works as an associate of the women counseling service in Vienna, as a professor of Ethics for psychotherapists in training, as a Germanist as well as an artist. She studied German and English literature and wrote her master thesis about the Austrian author Elfriede Gerstl. She is a person-centred psychotherapist and studies gender science. She has worked at the women counseling service and the adjunct institute for feminist psychotherapy for over 12 years. She is also a member of the managing board and is a co-editor of the anthology „Appreciating the difference: feminist counseling and psychotherapy“ (2010) 20 years ago she founded the feminist collective of women authors and performing artists „grauenfruppe“ www.grauenfruppe.at In 2003 they were awarded the renowned Siemens Literaturpreis for their experimental text “Mathilda macht Fortschritte” (Mathilda’s Progress, published in .TXTOUR, Haymon, Innsbruck 2003). In 2005 “Das Lexikon der Lust” (Encyclopedia of Pleasure) was published by Bibliothek der Provinz, Lower Austria.In 2015 they won the Hautnah-Lyrik-competiton of Ö1.